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Be sure to read the foot-notes at the bottom!

here we go-

all have sinned or done things wrong in life and have fallen short of being perfect for only god is perfect (ROMANS 3:23).heres the bad news-the wages of sin is death(ROMANS 6:23a), heres the GOOD news-god gave his only son to die so that if you agree to live your life for him and his glory that you will have life eternal in heaven with him (ROMANS 6:23b). ever watched wrestling? sure you have-dont lie-i know your secret! well, you know that there is ALWAYS one crazy guy flashing a sign up that say is glittery letters JOHN 3:16. ever wanted to know what the big deal about that verse was that he had to go all out and make a SIGN? well here is it-for god so loved YOU that he gave his ONLY son the WHOEVER will belive that he died for THEM will not DIE but have LIFE ETERNAL with him in heaven. wasnt it worth the glitter paint? you bet you are. this is how it works-you gotta admit that you are a sinner, that you have done things wrong and you know it. then-you gotta say "alright god-i know i have really screwed up-and i know that you have already taken the fall for me and all the times that i have messed up." this is saying that you admit that he has died on the cross and that he did it for YOU so that you could have forgiveness and freedom with condemnation. now you gotta say this and mean it from your heart-"i give my life to you, and i promise to do my best to follow in your ways and to follow your will for my life and i accept you as my savior." now heres the tricky part (well not really but you know...) if you mean it then you have a place in heaven, but if you REALLY wanna get high-you gotta get to know god. i know i know, how can you get to know someone who you cant see. well-you have just met him-and its kinda like all those cute little internet relationships. (and dont say you dont do those either!) you have never seen the person right?(hopefully-that isnt encouraged) but how do you get to know that person? how do you become friends? you start a relationship with talking. praying to god should be like a conversation. you talk to him and you listen to what he has to say. how do you know what he has to say? you read the bible. start in john. its full of great stuff. get involved with other people to talk about your new found high. a relationship with god is not something that should be work. he is very real, and wants a real relationship with you. talk to him, tell him your fears and your needs, tell him about your dog sparky. it says "cast your cares on me (G0D) for i care." let him hear them. he can handle it. there is nothing that you have come up with that is so new and shocking that he will be angry. you wont surprise him at all. and besides, you cant keep secrets from friends!

http://www.bible.com -The Online Word. I recommend the revised standard version for easy reading.
Read Jeremiah 29:11-14 to know about God's plans for you- http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?passage=JER