Sweet Nightmare Kisses
I Remember When...
About Me
Get Into My Mind
Punx for Christ
Random Stuff
Sound of Music Pictures

More Coming Soon......I PROMISE

Kyle and I were walking across the parking lot and he did this thing...I don't know....it was like a jig or something....it was pretty funny.
When we went a dinner/show thing in Chicago, I was sitting next to
Kyle, and we were eating, and we saw the horse do the same thing he did and we looked at each other and almost spit food all over the place 'cause we were laughin' so hard.
The day Kevin came up behind me and he scared me and when I jumped I scared him.
My dream where me and Kevin were really hyper at lunch and we had a can of whip cream....and, well, Kev, you know what happened. haha
I was talkin' with Casey on the phone and I burped really loud and I woke up her mom who was asleep on the couch, and no, she didn't have me on speakerphone.
Me and Rachel were really hyper one day after school and we were both stuck there 'til like 5 so we walked around the parking lot confusing some of the guys that were still there and singing/yelling RK songs at the top of our lungs.
I stole Kevin's keys and set off his car alarm.
Then I did it again.
Then I stole his lock.
Then he took my magnet.
Then his friend called him and we were outside sitting on the sidewalk and I started to throw rocks at him and one hit his phone and he told the girl that a rock just hit his phone and she asked why a rock just hit his phone and he said I was some gay guy that was flirting with him. I got him back later, but we won't get into that.
The day I tripped at southpoint.
The day Ariele spazzed at southpoint 'cause her phone went off. Then she tried on some crazy outfit and "Duckles".
The time I raised my left hand in class and when the teacher called on me, I busted out laughing for the rest of the period, and even after that.
Then when I was finally calmed down, I was trying to explain to my teacher and a few friends why I busted out laughing and the reason walked into the room and I started all over again, except this time I fell over 'cause I was laughing so hard. I literally fell over, almost into a desk...it was soooooo funny.
The time we went to Chicago, and me and two other people were trying to get to the Ferris Wheel on the Navy Pier before we had to leave and we walked right by it.
When we were in Mahomet, IL, me and Rachel stayed with Kyle's Aunt and Uncle (?) and before we went to their house we went to McDonald's for ice cream with his cousin, him, and Sean...and of course our hosts, and Kyle's cousin kept dissing on Kyle and his hair the whole time and me and Rachel were just sitting there cracking up....we couldn't eat our ice cream 'cause we were laughing so hard.
Suzie said, "Kevin's...."...............never mind.
Matt came in the sancturary and I was "playing" the piano and he said, "Stephanie, are you learning to play the computer?" And then we both busted out laughing 'cause we knew he meant piano.
One weekend Ryan came home from his job at camp and he told me a funny story about this tree. It was soooooo funny.
The day I saw Matt and Christie for the first time in over a year (7/12/03)!!! YAY!!! It was sooooooo much fun!!! We went to Steak N Shake or whatever it's called and I had this massive Double Chocolate Chip shake and it had a lot of whip cream (haha Kevin) and a massive chocolate cookie on top...and wow....it was sooooo good.....until I ate some of MandaRe's cheese fries.
The weekend I got blamed for Matt being late to work everyday and
Don not being able to call me 'cause I was on the internet. *sigh* I can't help it. I'm just not going to get one for like a month and then see how everybody likes it!!!! (haha, yeah right! psh!)
The day Corretta taught me some Japanese. haha O-hayoo!!! Yoku Wakarimasu!!! Well I do!!! You don't!!! But I do!!
The day MandaRe called me crizzle chizzick and shizzort mizzonKAY dizzuck.
The day MandaRe found her lizzost scrizzew.
The day I learned to talk like thizzis.
The day I fell asleep on 3 different people's shoulders.
The day I actually fizzell out of my chizzair.
The day Kyle and I were out for track practice 'cause we had injuries, but we still had to walk the laps, but we cheated and then we had to stop 'cause of our injuries. Then we talked about how we were gonna push each other around in wheelchairs 'cause we would end up in the special olympics. (we weren't making fun of anyone, but ourselves!)
The night we were at a Gaither concert and during intermission, Ryan and I started singing/rapping Irene by TobyMAC. It was HILARIOUS!!! And then Mrs. Judy came up to us and said, that if she had known we were gonna be there, she would've gotten us a time spot to sing on stage.
I hit my jaw on MandaRe's car door. And it was bleeding like crazy. And it was swollen. And it hurt...really bad.
Me and Nikki were roommates for Go Tell Camp '02 and the last night we got Oreo Chocolate Smoothies from this place up at LU and we were bouncin' off the walls and didn't go to bed 'til about 2am.