"Pouncival! Pouncival! Where are you?!"
"Misto, I'm right here!" Pouncival yelled, "What's up?"
"It's time! The kittens are coming! Hurry! Pixie is over at Jenny's!"
Mistofolees and Pouncival ran as fast as they could to Jennyanydot's place.
They got there just in time to see the first kitten. They watched in awe and with joy as each kitten was born. Finally,
Pixie had the 6th and final one. Pouncival walked over to her and they just looked at each other. They didn't have to say
anything, because they knew what the other was thinking. Pixie cleaned their kittens, fed them, and took a nap. Pouncival
laid by her side watching carefully to make sure nothing went wrong while they slept.