E-mail me the following information:
Your Name:
Weight: (I know this may be a personal question to some people, but I'm not going to tell anyone)
On a scale from 1-10 (10 being the best) how you would rate your singing ability:
On a scale from 1-10 rate your dancing ability:
On a scale from 1-10 rate your flexibility:
On a scale from 1-10 rate your strength compared to people of the same age and gender:
Cats you would most like to play:
If you've taken dance lessons: (specify how long and what kind)
If you are, or were, on the pom pon squad:
Gender: M or F
Experience: (Theatre, Play, Role, etc.)
Training: (How many years of: Voice, Dance, Acting, and Gymnastics)
Range: Soprano, Alto, Tenor, or Base
If your not sure here's an idea that may help you:
Soprano- You can sing all of Jemima's parts in the video
without any
Alto- You can sing all of Demeter's parts in the video without
Tenor- You can sing all of Skimbleshanks' parts in the video
any trouble.
Baritone/Base - You can sing all of Old Deuteronomy's parts
in the
any trouble.