Pixie sat on the big tire and watched the three jellicles below, whispering
and chatting away.
"They're probably talking about me," Pixie thought a little depressed.
"Pixie?" Pixie jumped at the voice behind her. It was Munkustrap and an old
tom, which she assumed was Old Deuteronomy.
"Hi, Munkustrap," she said.
"Pixie, this is Old Deuteronomy, and Old Deuteronomy, this is Pixie. She's
the one I was telling you about," Munkustrap said.
"Oh. Well then, let's get started shall we?" Old Deuteronomy asked Pixie. Pixie
nodded and Munkustrap ran off. "There's something on your mind, Pixie. Something you want to talk about, but youre not sure
if it's safe to," Old Deuteronomy said, "Whatever it is, Pixie, I assure you, it's safe with me." Pixie hesitated.
"It's those three kittens down there," Pixie replied, "There's something about
"Oh? Like what?"
"They all look familiar to me. I've seen them somewhere before, but I'm not
sure where. And every time Mistofolees comes around, I feel weird."
"Munkustrap tells me you have two sisters, two brothers, and a mom named Molly.
He also mentioned you have a power very much like Mistofolees," Old Deuteronomy told her.
"Misto? Has power? Like mine?"
"Yes. Also, the other two kittens with him, Victoria and Jemima, are Mistofolees
sisters. They also have another sister, who theyve been looking for for years. Their mom also told them that their sister
would have a power very much like Mistofolees, just as their other brother would, but youll probably find out about him later,"
Old Deuteronomy said, hating to think of Siflay's story, "Well, aren't you the least bit curious if they are your family?"
"Yes. Slightly I guess." Old Deuteronomy chuckled.
"Well, from what I've gathered about you in the past couple of minutes, and
with you possible family relationships with some of the others, I can find no reason for you not to become a jellicle cat."
"Thank you, Old Deuteronomy!"
"Come. We must announce this to the rest of the tribe, but first, let me be
the first one to welcome you." Pixie smiled at Old Deuteronomy and couldn't stop as they walked off.
"I'm part of a family and I may have found my real family," Pixie thought..