Pixie's Place
Pixie Saw CATS!!!!!!
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Did You Ever Notice...?
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Video Transcript/Lyrics
Pixie Saw CATS!!!!!!
Did You Ever Know...?
Link to Me!!!!!!

Yes! I'm finally getting to this part. The sad thing is, I can barely remember anything from the performance. I'll just tell you guys what I remember and won't bore you with the plot 'cause most likely you already know the plot. If you don't check it out Here.  Here it goes.
They were missing somewhere around 5 characters. :-(
You couldn't tell who most of them were. :-(
They were all really good dancers, especially Misto. :-)
At the end of Misto's number, he shrunk the spot light. Soooo cute! :-)
The set was really good. :-)
The make-up was extremely scary. Especially Silliabub's. She looked like one of Macavity's henchcats. :-(
They had lights on the curtain and it added some really cool special effects. :-)
They had lights strung from the stage to the balcony and they changed colors depending on the song. :-)
I had really good seats. :-D
We couldn't meet the cast or take pictures of the production. :-(
It was still pretty cool. :-)
That's all I remember for right now. If I remember more, I'll jot it down, then put it on here. Sorry it took me so long to finally get this up here and it's just a few sentences. I apologize a billion times.